Tuesday, January 31, 2012

There's Light at the End of the Tunnel!

(OK, so I didn't get the pictures posted before you went to bed, but now I can sit down, take a breath and get to it! So great to see S. and the the kids today on webcam.)
Slowly things begin to empty in the little house. Boxes are going out, but wow, the books and papers I need to sort that are left! But coming to the new house is a thrill: new colors are going up fast. An employee at Glidden who refers Marc work came by to see what kind of work he does and told the other colleagues at Glidden that Marc was doing really, really, really good work! Here Marc is peering out from the light chocolate brown accent wall that is totally wet with its first coat of fresh paint.

She does not know it yet in this picture, but there is a new hole in her pants from climbing trees. Her twin has a matching hole in his pants... from climbing trees. They were very happy to inform me of the good climbing trees on the property. I took that picture from the living room window.

Jesse's work is so careful. First a sub-floor is glued then hammered down...

...Marc told the kids to be good or Jesse would glue them to the floor.
They were good.

It's like music!

Meanwhile the closets in the master bedroom were painted.

The accent wall is drying and darkening

The kitchen gets its knobs


Jesse had near-constant observation. We all had to admire his ultra-light titanium hammer.

I asked him how he felt working under such close scrutiny. I guess the boys have not had enough opportunity to watch floor installation to get tired of it yet. 

This is the color we chose for the bathroom cabinets and bookshelves.
Also Marc's new desk is the same color more or less, and it arrived today in a big truck.

Today we also bought a mattress which is great because our is so old, and in spite of having been cared for and faithfully turned, it's lumpy and shaped like us. 

She LOVES to read

Storage is getting filled little by little with boxes waiting to move in!
By the way, Uncle G. called to see what he could do to help. Not only is he very helpful, but is really nice to have around. He was at work switching out light fixtures in the laundry room. If anyone can get them to work, he can.
I really like this next sequence of pictures: The Master bedroom wall goes gray-black! 

When everything is dry I'll do a final picture walk through and include color names. Two more coats of black went up later this afternoon. After the first one, though, I called in Uncle G saying, "Marc has just put a really shocking color up on our back wall.." He was warned, but he was still not prepared for what he saw. "BYORP!" was his exclamation of surprise. I am sure that sentiment would be embraced by many... But just wait and see where we are going with this...

This is the last I could see of the house today- I went home to work. Later that evening when I got in from lessons Marc said my Dad had come over to see progress and to entertain the kids. Dad made the tour, then said that the amount of work done around here was miraculous. Then he got right down to business giving the kids a good time. Marc was painting a closet in the bedroom and saw through the doorway Dad pass by going down the stairs on his stomach. Later he saw him go down headfirst on his back. He'd put a kid at the bottom of the stairs to "catch" him. The kids loved this. Then he drew a face on his hand and called his hand a clam and made it talk to them, etc. etc. The kids needed this kind of attention so bad. Awesome. 

Pa en Ma, in de avonds Amber bidt voor "Pepe en Meme's rug" niet ruggen, maar een rug. zo, tussen jullie twee hebben jullie alleen een rug. Jullie kunnen zien hoe de man en vrow inderdaad echt een zijn!!


  1. Uncle G writes:
    For those of you who don't know Flemmish (and Marc has a bad case of it now), "BYORP" may have been mistakenly translated as "an involuntary reflex", but, the preferred translation reads "Bring Your Own Red Paint."
    And Marc, when you fix Luke's Bike Brake, looking at the wheel from the left side, force the shiny arm CLOCKWISE to its normal position and secure it with an 8-32 X 1/2 inch screw and nut to its clamp.

    Uncle G
