Monday, February 6, 2012

bed and topiaries

Our new bed that came in today
 So that is why we wanted a practically black wall.
 ...and here are the little topiaries we put together for the fireplace mantel. When we were at the store getting the things today, a lonely little toddler about N's age freaked out near me and panicked because he lost his mommy in the store. He then made a beeline for the door and we chased him down and I picked him up before he made it outside to get flattened by a car. The interesting thing is, when I picked him up, I held him so he couldn't see  me, and he calmed right down. So I went on a mommy hunt with a stranger toddler held dangling out at arm's length, never having seen me. I don't think he spoke my language, and it's good he didn't see me because I didn't look like his mother. She was way at the back of the store!! When he saw her his little legs ran!
Now, it seems like everything is "perfect," but I have to confess we always get reminded that nothing here is:
The "new" oven's heating element is frightening to use- I keep thinking of all our work that we put into the house and wonder if that thing is going to catch fire and- then I just have to remember two things- 
1. "Where your treasure is, that will your heart be also"- I've been thinking way too much about this new house. Heaven should occupy my heart because, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross of shedding His blood to wash away my sins, that is my real home, and 
2. I should stop using that oven. 

Marc started cleaning out the studio for painting! 

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